Merging OBIEE Repositories
One will definitely come across requirement where he/she needs to merge two repository.
There will happens when we need to merger two entirely different repository or when we want to move incremental changes to production.
OBIEE does support 2 online repository ( However you can have 2 repository online but by doing so one will lose the oracle’s product support). In this case merging two repositories into one and making it online is the solution!
Let me discuss that aspect first.
We will two standard repositories paint.rpd with UsageTracking.rpd so that we can get the usage information in paint repository.
Steps 1 Background
You can mergr two repository in one ,when one is online. However I would not suggest you to do that.
Make sure while merging you are working offline in Administrator tool.
Merging originally designed to work with three repositories. As we have just two repositories we will create a dummy repository.
Go to Administration — > File — > New and create a new repository call dummy.rpd

Creating Dummy.rpd
( Save this to this default location \ OracleBI\server\Repository however this is not necessary)
Now close this repository with doing anything. Just save when prompted.
Step 2 Open the paint.rpd in offline

Open pain.rpd

Step 3 Merger paint.rpd with dummy.rpd
Go to File — > Merge and select dummy.rpd

open dummy.rpd for Merge
You will see the screen as below:

Merge Screen
step 4 Click select for the Modified Repository and select UsageTracking.rpd

Selecct usage tracking for merging
In decision you can either select Modified or Current. As we are merging 2 different repository it ok. select merge. You will see an error message called : Delete Failed. Just ignore that message.
And you will see both the repository merged as below.

Merged Repository Paint and UsageTracking
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