Index, Table and Task Actions

Overview of Index, Table and Task Actions

The Actions feature enables you to define and run SQL scripts to carry out various actions in relation to indexes, tables, and tasks.

Index actions
Can override the default behavior for dropping and creating indexes by mode type (full load, incremental load, or both).
 The Index action type is Create Index and Drop Index.
For example you can define an index action to create indexes for tasks with the commands defined for full loads, or incremental loads, or both types. Index actions override all other index properties.

Table actions
can override the default behavior for truncating and analyzing tables by mode type.
The Table action types are Truncate Table and Analyze Table.
For example you can define a table action to truncate tables with the commands defined for full loads, or incremental loads, or both . Table actions override all other index properties.

Task actions
Can add new functionality based on various task behaviors.
The following task action types are available:
    Preceding Action
Use this type to execute a SQL script before a task runs.
      Success Action
Use this type to execute a SQL script after a task runs successfully.
      Failure Action
Use this type to execute a SQL script if a task fails during its execution.
       Upon Failure Restart
Defining a SQL Script for an Action
Use this type to execute a SQL script when a task that previously failed is
You can also use the Actions Template feature to:
Combine SQL templates to do synchronized actions, such as create and analyze indexes.
Combine object level properties with user-defined parameters in SQL statements and stored procedures.

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